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About Me

One of my fondest memories growing up was watching my cousin draw. Her sketches of superheroes introduced me to the world of manga. Manga inspired me to continue sketching and allow my imagination to go wild. When I was accepted to the University of California, Irvine, I was able to find my purpose to create. For me, creating art was to leave a part of myself into the world. I wanted to be remembered. After graduating, I was a graphic designer for six years, and everything was dandy until I realized that I was stuck in my career. My manager mentioned that anyone can design, but to elevate yourself as a designer you have to design for the user.

His pep talk led me into discovering the world of UX. I was sucked into the world of problem solving and creating design experiences for users. I believe that great designs need no explanations. Great user-centered designs create journeys for users.

If you are interested in working with me or picking at my brain, feel free to contact me. I would love to chat.

View Resume


California State University, Office of the Chancellor - UI Designer/Developer

Long Beach, CA | Mar 2020 - Present

Tickets.com - UX Designer

Costa Mesa, CA | Mar 2020 - Present

Bloc - Apprentice

Los Angeles, CA | Jul 2019 - Mar 2020

JobFlare - UI Designer

West Hollywood, CA | Aug 2017 - Jan 2020

Criteria Corp - Graphic Designer

West Hollywood, CA | Aug 2017 - Jul 2019

Furniture USA - Lead Designer

Sacramento, CA | Aug 2017 - Jul 2019

Profile Design - Junior Designer

Long Beach, CA | Oct 2013 - May 2016


UX Design Track

Bloc | 2019 - 2020

UX Fundamentals

General Assembly | 8 weeks

BA Fine Arts

University of California, Irvine | 2009-2013


Visual Design

Interaction Design

User Research

Usability Testing






Adobe XD


